This is me. I am depressed. I am anxious. I am covered in fear and guilt. I am overwhelmed, barely treading water. I don't know what to do. Nothing helps. Drugs, hugs, food, distractions. Nothing makes these awful feelings end or stop.
I spend my money on weed, way too much that I don't have. I am taking prescription medicine for anxiety and depression. I was supposed to go to my parents to do laundry and borrow their car to go the bank to get money that I don't have to spend on drugs because it's all that's keeping me together at the seams right now.
Then, stupid me, texts my ex (who I co-parent with and am friends with) to tell her not to come drive me over to my moms because I am having a breakdown when I should have just said because I am tired or something. So of course she calls me and now she wants to give me money for me to get drugs and I don't want to because it makes me feel like a fucking loser and just a low life shitty human being.
I'd pray for help but I don't think there is a God. I'm so tired of fighting to live in this completely fucked up world with so much hate and fucking ignorance, stupidity and violence.
If I could sleep my life away I would.
I am a very empathetic person. I feel too much, too sharply. It's completely draining and makes me unable to cope with anything in life. When I was a kid I never really though about what I would be when I grew up. I used to hide places and I would tell myself "Nobody loves you, everybody hates you." over and over as I rocked and cried. Then I would think to myself, 'My mommy loves me.' I think that's the only reason I made it through my childhood. I was 8 at the time.
I think now that I never thought of something to be as an adult because I didn't think I would be alive this long. I really didn't. The fact that I made it out of my 20's is amazing to me. If it weren't for the people in my life that love me I can guarantee I wouldn't be here.
And every day is the struggle to just survive. I am on disability and cannot work. I get very little money to survive on which unsurprisingly does not help with my anxiety and depression. Even if I were motivated enough to want to go something to try to elevate my mood I have no money to spend on those kinds of things.
I am 35 years old and I am just so done in with this life.
I can't handle this constant bombardment of thoughts and feelings running scattered through my brain. I can't function.
I want a good life. I want a happy life. It just doesn't seem attainable to me. When I said I am covered in fear and guilt I am. I am suffering through my life. There are not enough distractions in the world. And I have nothing left to give.
People make suicide sound like a dirty word but it's not. It is what it is. I have talked many people out of killing themselves because I just want to do good for people in this world. I'd kill myself if no one cared about me but I could never be that selfish. My parents, my son, my ex, my best friend, they would all be completely crushed by the loss of me even though what they don't understand is that there's not much left to hold onto now.
Because I am disappearing anyway.
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