Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Relationship Status Thoughts

I am not the greatest in relationships. I know that. I've only been in one long term relationship and it was pretty unhealthy. I find that most people find me likeable because I'm very good at knowing how to treat people in any given situation. I am a people pleaser by nature but I am enjoying pleasing myself. OK that came off sounding much naughtier then I imagined..

What I mean to say is I tend to put other peoples needs before my own. The more I love that person, the more likely I am to tend to do that. I don't want to do that anymore. I like making myself a priority and I have been trying to do that more lately.

I enjoy spending time with other people but I like it when they have somewhere to go home to. I don't want to spend time with another person 100% of the time. I enjoy my alone time immensely at this point in my life. I don't know if I will ever feel the need to let someone into my life entirely. I tend to end up in relationships with emotionally damaged individuals and I'm just going to say a big no thanks to that in my life anymore. Do I enjoy seeing people? Spending time with people? Sure. But you have your own bed and I have mine. Truth is I have gotten used to sleeping alone. I also have restless leg syndrome so good luck trying to sleep next to me anyway.

As much as society tries to shame us into thinking we are somehow 'less than' if we are not in a committed long term relationship I am not buying into it anymore. I don't need anyone to validate my existence. So yeah, that is just where I am at right now. 

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