Monday, September 26, 2016

More Tween Bulls*** from my ten year old son

My son decided today that he would keep one pant leg up and then when I told him to put it down, he decided to argue with me. I hate arguing over stupid sh**. Argue about something that matters. 

Dear son, until you are 18 your mother and I get to make certain choices and guess what? I bought you those pants you are trying to wear to look like a little thug. I am not going to take up with it. You start dressing thuggish and you will receive no respect from anyone. How you present yourself to the world matters. The first thing people are going to see when they look at you is a lazy, disrespectful thuggish kid. It may not be true but that is how you would be choosing to represent yourself. 

If you present yourself wearing clothes that look nice on you and wear them properly then you will be more likely to be treated with respect because you LOOK respectful. The reason Eminem and celebrities like that can get away with wearing their clothes however they want is because they have EARNED respect from their peers because of their HARD WORK and accomplishments in their business lives so they can wear whatever stupid things they want. 

You are not a famous rapper or celebrity, not yet anyway, when you are if you want to follow fashion trends, go right ahead, but what you should really be thinking about is how to START a trend, not follow one. Trend setters are the ones that get ahead in life, not followers. Following trends just make you a 

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