The gf and I were talking about who we would have at a celebrity dinner party if we could have anyone. So which ten celebs would I invite? I would have Neil Patrick Harris; for so many reasons I don't feel I need to name any. He is simply made of win.
Number 1: NPH
Number 2: Zooey Deschanel
Zooey is one of those girls you can't hate. She is just the right amount of friendly adorable and weird. I loved her on the T.V. show Weeds and especially in the movie Eulogy. Her sister Emily is on a show called Bones. Emily and Zoe bought a house together (duplex) I love to see such close siblings. I just found out Zooey is in a band called She and Him. I love this cover she does. Zoeey is a classic.
Number 3: Wanda Sykes
Funny, intelligent, opinionated people are my favourite people. Wanda's stand up is brilliant. She made the movie Monster In Law bearable. I loved her in Clerks 2. Her appearances on The Ellen Show are some of my absolute favourites. Her newest stand up called I'ma be me is highly entertaining. I suggest everyone watch it and enjoy! Here's a clip from her stand up show Sick and Tired.
Number 4: Ellen Degeneres
Because she is Ellen. I would even have a completely vegan meal made if that's what it would take. I love meat.. but I love Ellen more. That's saying something. So here is a double dose of Wanda on The Ellen Show.
Number 5: Portia De Rossi
And not because she is married to Ellen. Portia has her own shit goin' on. I cam across a T.V. show she was on called Better Off Ted. Unfortunately it only lasted for 2 seasons. The show is smart and funny and so worth taking the time to check out.
Number 6: Joss Whedon
Because he is Joss Whedon. Creative Genius. Without him Buffy, Firefly, Serenity, Dollhouse and Dr. Horrible's Sing Along Blog would not exist. *hugs Joss* Meryl Streep (who doesn't respect and like Meryl?) She extols the virtues of Joss Whedon.
Number 7: Felicia Day
Felicia is my favourite redheaded nerd. She has worked with Joss Whedon on many projects. She's also worked with NPH and Nathan Fillion. Her webtv series entitled The Guild can be seen on youtube. Check it out!
Number 7: Nathan Fillion
A fellow Canadian. Huzzah! I gotta have a couple of them.. I just like Nathan Fillion. I never see him on something and think it's complete crap. He makes things fun. And a big shout out to Firefly and Serenity fans! FOX sucks for canceling it after only a season. *shakes my fist at Fox*
Number 8: Ellen Page
Great Actor..
Bad Singer..
And always cool in her dorky way.. I would love to chill with Ellen Page. She looks like a fun person to hang out with. Definitely invited.
Number 9: Margaret Cho
The notorious character assassin. She's the one that we want. She plays Teri on Drop Dead Diva. She is a stand up comedian. She's the worlds favourite faghag. She's here she's queer and we're happy to have her at the dinner table.
Asian Chicken Salad? Yes please.
Number 10: Kirsten Vangsness
My dream would come true if all of these people got together and made a movie or television series. *Geekgasm!* Can you picture it? *sighs* And I LOVE LOVE LOVE that she mentions Will Wheaton. And speaking of Will Wheaton. He was in The Big Bang Theory. Sheldon is the shit. Game Over Moonpie.
Well thanks for reading and watching! *walks away humming the soft kitty song*
Monday, July 26, 2010
Friday, July 23, 2010
Gunborg The IKEA Monster
Hi everyone,
I'm retardexcited for my Toga Party tomorrow. I've never thrown a party before. I know I'm 28 and I've never thrown a party but the way I always looked at it is that whoever HAS the party has to clean up the aftermath. I was just being smart and going to other peoples parties. But hey I figure what the hell? What's a little clean up when there's all that fun involved?
Yesterday gf and I went shopping for the party. It was so fun! We got pillows and faux gold earrings and bangles .. *sings* All the old paintings on the tomb they do the sand dance doncha know. hehe Bangles. But yeah, all the stuff downstairs makes me squee with antici...pation *bites knuckles*

We also went to IKEA for cheap food. Hurray for Swedish meatballs and mashed potatoes! When we went to get drinks there was the standard fare, Brisk Iced Tea, Mountain Dew, Pepsi etc. but what caught my eye was the fountain labeled "Longo Berry". I'm all like WTF is longo berry juice? Longo isn't even a word in the dictionary on the spellcheck. Right now it has a squiggly red line under every mention of longo..
So this is what a longo berry bush looks like. Also longo berry juice is yummy and especially so if you mix it with some Sprite.

I'm looking for a job right now and since we were recently at IKEA I thought what the hell, why not apply? So impulsively I went to their website and did so. Then I got thinking about it and I realized if I did get the job I would be lost most of the time. That place is a freaking labyrinth! It's bloody discombobulating is what it is. I can imagine me in my little uniform coming around a corner and meeting up with a minotaur made out of IKEA furniture named Gunborg.

I know, scary right?! But don't worry about me. It's a David and Golliath kind of thing except I won't have a slingshot, all I need is an Allen key to slay Gunborg and restore peace to the land of IKEA.

Well that was fun but now I have to go use the Allen key for other quests, like tightening the screws on my bed frame ;) Until next time!
I'm retardexcited for my Toga Party tomorrow. I've never thrown a party before. I know I'm 28 and I've never thrown a party but the way I always looked at it is that whoever HAS the party has to clean up the aftermath. I was just being smart and going to other peoples parties. But hey I figure what the hell? What's a little clean up when there's all that fun involved?
Yesterday gf and I went shopping for the party. It was so fun! We got pillows and faux gold earrings and bangles .. *sings* All the old paintings on the tomb they do the sand dance doncha know. hehe Bangles. But yeah, all the stuff downstairs makes me squee with antici...pation *bites knuckles*

We also went to IKEA for cheap food. Hurray for Swedish meatballs and mashed potatoes! When we went to get drinks there was the standard fare, Brisk Iced Tea, Mountain Dew, Pepsi etc. but what caught my eye was the fountain labeled "Longo Berry". I'm all like WTF is longo berry juice? Longo isn't even a word in the dictionary on the spellcheck. Right now it has a squiggly red line under every mention of longo..
So this is what a longo berry bush looks like. Also longo berry juice is yummy and especially so if you mix it with some Sprite.

I'm looking for a job right now and since we were recently at IKEA I thought what the hell, why not apply? So impulsively I went to their website and did so. Then I got thinking about it and I realized if I did get the job I would be lost most of the time. That place is a freaking labyrinth! It's bloody discombobulating is what it is. I can imagine me in my little uniform coming around a corner and meeting up with a minotaur made out of IKEA furniture named Gunborg.

I know, scary right?! But don't worry about me. It's a David and Golliath kind of thing except I won't have a slingshot, all I need is an Allen key to slay Gunborg and restore peace to the land of IKEA.

Well that was fun but now I have to go use the Allen key for other quests, like tightening the screws on my bed frame ;) Until next time!
Monday, July 19, 2010
Depression and Dead Babies
Hi, Lyn again,
For a long time I was very depressed. Now I'm sure many of you are wondering "Why is she talking about depression, that's not funny at all! She might as well talk about Hitler and dead babies!" But depression can be funny after a time, once your perspective changes, after the drug treatments..

I've noticed that there seems to be an epidemic. There's alot of cancer going around. Everyone has cancer. If you are wondering what you are going to die from, it's cancer.
Also there are many busy, anxious, stressed people in the world and I am one of the anxious, definitely not one of the busy. In my case that might be the problem. Basically I do nothing. Yesterday I streamed every Harry Potter movie in sequence out of pure boredom.
..........What I see......... What my friend Sarah sees

I have some attention issues. Like when I was standing in a restaurant downtown earlier I counted how many men with facial hair were in the room. Why? No discernible reason. I just wanted to know.
Another epidemic is crazy. Most people I know have had or will shortly have a nervous break down for some reason. The reasons will be valid. The smart people are the ones that break down in private so not too many people know about it.
When it's public knowledge that you're a basket case (in which I mean me not you I'm sure you're very well adjusted) people treat you like you're going to spontaneously maul them like a bear.

Like my friend Sarah, her break down was public as was my own because it was re-occurring. We had periods of "really crazy" and "kind of minimally functionable" crazy. Sarah is one of my best friends. We dated very briefly in our early 20's but
after 10 days I realized it wasn't going to work out. Because we are both too crazy to be together. It would be horrible!
Sarah would be all "I have a headache, oh my god it's a brain tumor!" and I'd be all "It's not a tumor" from Kindergarten Cop with the Schwarzenegger accent as I try to calm down her crazies.

But then what about my crazies? What about when I'm being neurotic and wondering if I'm going to be broke and destitute in an old age home with no visitors. Who's gonna try and stop my crazy train? Certainly not Sarah. If anything she would hop on the crazy train and yell "choo choo!"
My friends and I got high alot. I don't think that helped with Sarah's ADD. I wonder if I'm ADHD sometimes because I sometimes get so excited about the smallest things, like my girlfriend Tracey who woke me up one morning by throwing the lights on and opening the curtain. She was just so happy it was a beautiful sunny day And she wanted me awake to share in the joy where as I, well I was like..

I'm sleeping peacefully in near total darkness and all of a sudden there's noise and light and dear god why?? Peace becomes chaos. And there's the girlfriend smiling maniacally "Wake up it's a beautiful day!"

Speaking of ADD I forgot I was talking about getting high. Some of the funniest shit happens when a person is high and for some reason you can only remember it well when you get stoned again. When you're sober you can't remember alot of the details but as soon as you're high you're like "Remember that time when we went tobogganing at 4am behind the emerald hotel?"
That was an interesting night. I'm with my two friends Stefan and Fish. They were roommates at the time. And Stefan's other roommates brother who they called Dickles. Dickles was special. I mean maybe at one point he had been okay but after
years of torture from his brothers and I'm guessing many blows to the head he was just fucked.
This guy went down the hill on the toboggan as Fish, Stefan and I watched and it was great.. till he hit the pavement. I could hear that wonderful wood on pavement sound followed almost immediately by a pain filled "Fuck!" Any regular person would have rolled off the toboggan before it hit the pavement, but not Dickles. It's people like him that crowd our emergency rooms. It's people like him that entertain us. They always go to the extreme. It's the crazy people in this world that make it great.
For a long time I was very depressed. Now I'm sure many of you are wondering "Why is she talking about depression, that's not funny at all! She might as well talk about Hitler and dead babies!" But depression can be funny after a time, once your perspective changes, after the drug treatments..

I've noticed that there seems to be an epidemic. There's alot of cancer going around. Everyone has cancer. If you are wondering what you are going to die from, it's cancer.
Also there are many busy, anxious, stressed people in the world and I am one of the anxious, definitely not one of the busy. In my case that might be the problem. Basically I do nothing. Yesterday I streamed every Harry Potter movie in sequence out of pure boredom.
..........What I see......... What my friend Sarah sees

I have some attention issues. Like when I was standing in a restaurant downtown earlier I counted how many men with facial hair were in the room. Why? No discernible reason. I just wanted to know.
Another epidemic is crazy. Most people I know have had or will shortly have a nervous break down for some reason. The reasons will be valid. The smart people are the ones that break down in private so not too many people know about it.
When it's public knowledge that you're a basket case (in which I mean me not you I'm sure you're very well adjusted) people treat you like you're going to spontaneously maul them like a bear.

Like my friend Sarah, her break down was public as was my own because it was re-occurring. We had periods of "really crazy" and "kind of minimally functionable" crazy. Sarah is one of my best friends. We dated very briefly in our early 20's but
after 10 days I realized it wasn't going to work out. Because we are both too crazy to be together. It would be horrible!
Sarah would be all "I have a headache, oh my god it's a brain tumor!" and I'd be all "It's not a tumor" from Kindergarten Cop with the Schwarzenegger accent as I try to calm down her crazies.

But then what about my crazies? What about when I'm being neurotic and wondering if I'm going to be broke and destitute in an old age home with no visitors. Who's gonna try and stop my crazy train? Certainly not Sarah. If anything she would hop on the crazy train and yell "choo choo!"
My friends and I got high alot. I don't think that helped with Sarah's ADD. I wonder if I'm ADHD sometimes because I sometimes get so excited about the smallest things, like my girlfriend Tracey who woke me up one morning by throwing the lights on and opening the curtain. She was just so happy it was a beautiful sunny day And she wanted me awake to share in the joy where as I, well I was like..

I'm sleeping peacefully in near total darkness and all of a sudden there's noise and light and dear god why?? Peace becomes chaos. And there's the girlfriend smiling maniacally "Wake up it's a beautiful day!"

Speaking of ADD I forgot I was talking about getting high. Some of the funniest shit happens when a person is high and for some reason you can only remember it well when you get stoned again. When you're sober you can't remember alot of the details but as soon as you're high you're like "Remember that time when we went tobogganing at 4am behind the emerald hotel?"
That was an interesting night. I'm with my two friends Stefan and Fish. They were roommates at the time. And Stefan's other roommates brother who they called Dickles. Dickles was special. I mean maybe at one point he had been okay but after
years of torture from his brothers and I'm guessing many blows to the head he was just fucked.
This guy went down the hill on the toboggan as Fish, Stefan and I watched and it was great.. till he hit the pavement. I could hear that wonderful wood on pavement sound followed almost immediately by a pain filled "Fuck!" Any regular person would have rolled off the toboggan before it hit the pavement, but not Dickles. It's people like him that crowd our emergency rooms. It's people like him that entertain us. They always go to the extreme. It's the crazy people in this world that make it great.

Sunday, July 11, 2010
I'm Lyn. Blue Monkey Cookies will be a collection of my rantings and musings about whatever randomness I'm interested in at any given time. Can I be anymore general in my description of this blog? Hmm maybe.
I'll give you a hint. I love movies and television so there will most likely be some opinions on the subject forthcoming.

Anyways I named this blog randomly because that's how I do most things. The picture to the right is my blue monkey. He sits on the bottom of my acer monitor waving and smiling, making sure that my internet experience is pleasant and fruitful. Though I'm not sure how fruitful it is to listen to music while waiting for episodes of The Big Bang Theory to stream while reading other peoples blogs.. never the less, good times.

Baking = Joy
Everyone loves baked goods. It never fails to put a smile on others faces. I firmly believe that cookies make the world a better place. *munch munch, sips milk*
So yeah that's why I named my blog Blue Monkey Cookies. Ta da!
Now if I hadn't explained myself and you simply read the blog title what would you have thought?

P.S. One time I baked cookies and tried to give them away to people to spread the joy but some people wouldn't take my cookies. They gave me strange looks and one girl actually asked me "What'd you do to it?"
What did I do?? I baked it with LOVE. Ungrateful bastards.
Then again what if I HAD put rat poison in it?
I'm Lyn. Blue Monkey Cookies will be a collection of my rantings and musings about whatever randomness I'm interested in at any given time. Can I be anymore general in my description of this blog? Hmm maybe.
I'll give you a hint. I love movies and television so there will most likely be some opinions on the subject forthcoming.

Anyways I named this blog randomly because that's how I do most things. The picture to the right is my blue monkey. He sits on the bottom of my acer monitor waving and smiling, making sure that my internet experience is pleasant and fruitful. Though I'm not sure how fruitful it is to listen to music while waiting for episodes of The Big Bang Theory to stream while reading other peoples blogs.. never the less, good times.

Baking = Joy
Everyone loves baked goods. It never fails to put a smile on others faces. I firmly believe that cookies make the world a better place. *munch munch, sips milk*
So yeah that's why I named my blog Blue Monkey Cookies. Ta da!
Now if I hadn't explained myself and you simply read the blog title what would you have thought?

P.S. One time I baked cookies and tried to give them away to people to spread the joy but some people wouldn't take my cookies. They gave me strange looks and one girl actually asked me "What'd you do to it?"
What did I do?? I baked it with LOVE. Ungrateful bastards.
Then again what if I HAD put rat poison in it?
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