Sunday, July 11, 2010



I'm Lyn. Blue Monkey Cookies will be a collection of my rantings and musings about whatever randomness I'm interested in at any given time. Can I be anymore general in my description of this blog? Hmm maybe.

I'll give you a hint. I love movies and television so there will most likely be some opinions on the subject forthcoming.

Anyways I named this blog randomly because that's how I do most things. The picture to the right is my blue monkey. He sits on the bottom of my acer monitor waving and smiling, making sure that my internet experience is pleasant and fruitful. Though I'm not sure how fruitful it is to listen to music while waiting for episodes of The Big Bang Theory to stream while reading other peoples blogs.. never the less, good times.

Baking = Joy

Everyone loves baked goods. It never fails to put a smile on others faces. I firmly believe that cookies make the world a better place. *munch munch, sips milk*

So yeah that's why I named my blog Blue Monkey Cookies. Ta da!

Now if I hadn't explained myself and you simply read the blog title what would you have thought?

P.S. One time I baked cookies and tried to give them away to people to spread the joy but some people wouldn't take my cookies. They gave me strange looks and one girl actually asked me "What'd you do to it?"

What did I do?? I baked it with LOVE. Ungrateful bastards.

Then again what if I HAD put rat poison in it?

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