Friday, July 23, 2010

Gunborg The IKEA Monster

Hi everyone,

I'm retardexcited for my Toga Party tomorrow. I've never thrown a party before. I know I'm 28 and I've never thrown a party but the way I always looked at it is that whoever HAS the party has to clean up the aftermath. I was just being smart and going to other peoples parties. But hey I figure what the hell? What's a little clean up when there's all that fun involved?

Yesterday gf and I went shopping for the party. It was so fun! We got pillows and faux gold earrings and bangles .. *sings* All the old paintings on the tomb they do the sand dance doncha know. hehe Bangles. But yeah, all the stuff downstairs makes me squee with antici...pation *bites knuckles*

We also went to IKEA for cheap food. Hurray for Swedish meatballs and mashed potatoes! When we went to get drinks there was the standard fare, Brisk Iced Tea, Mountain Dew, Pepsi etc. but what caught my eye was the fountain labeled "Longo Berry". I'm all like WTF is longo berry juice? Longo isn't even a word in the dictionary on the spellcheck. Right now it has a squiggly red line under every mention of longo..
So this is what a longo berry bush looks like. Also longo berry juice is yummy and especially so if you mix it with some Sprite.

I'm looking for a job right now and since we were recently at IKEA I thought what the hell, why not apply? So impulsively I went to their website and did so. Then I got thinking about it and I realized if I did get the job I would be lost most of the time. That place is a freaking labyrinth! It's bloody discombobulating is what it is. I can imagine me in my little uniform coming around a corner and meeting up with a minotaur made out of IKEA furniture named Gunborg.

I know, scary right?! But don't worry about me. It's a David and Golliath kind of thing except I won't have a slingshot, all I need is an Allen key to slay Gunborg and restore peace to the land of IKEA.

Well that was fun but now I have to go use the Allen key for other quests, like tightening the screws on my bed frame ;) Until next time!

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